36 Huia Street
Waikanae, Kapiti Coast District

Now Priced to Sell - $950,000

This rather super three-year-old house has all the features and benefits of a modern family home. This means, of course, being fully double-glazed, and with ducted heat/air conditioning, dimmable lighting and security alarms.

There are four generous double bedrooms with a beautiful tiled main bathroom and a similarly styled ensuite, and as would be expected, a walk-in robe for the main bedroom.

It's the simplicity of the living area that suits modern trends, with access to a covered deck for those warmer days to provide the all-important outdoor flow.

A slightly separate kitchen and walk-in pantry await the lucky purchaser of this home, so you can join in with family and guests' conversations but also have your own space.

For those who want an easily managed, fully fenced back section, 36 Huia St meets that need perfectly. The double garage is fully carpeted and includes the laundry.

Just down the road and still in walking distance is Waikanae School, the train and shops.

For More Information JUST ASK for DIANNE 0800 111 114.

The following documents can be viewed on our website rwwaikanae.co.nz/LEV30087
Title search
Council building file

Open Homes

Property Features

Property ID: WKN30087
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 2
Building: 188m2
Land: 550m2
Listed By:Northside Realty Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
Dianne Collier-Brake, Licensee Salesperson at Ray White Paraparaumu