5 Babbacombe Avenue
Otaki Beach, Kapiti Coast District

Now Priced to Sell - $399,000

There are NO covenants on this section!

This is a great opportunity to build or place a re-locatable home on an elevated 782sqm* section, just one street away from Otaki Beach.

With views to the east, the site is perfect to capture early morning sun and enjoy it for the rest of the day. New fencing has been erected on the north side.

There are services to the site, as there had been a dwelling on the section that has been removed.

For more information JUST ASK for DIANNE 0800 111 114.

SOURCE: LAND AREA (Non Verified) Propertysmarts by REINZ Ventures Ltd.

The following documents can be viewed on our website rwwaikanae.co.nz/WKN30038
Title search

Open Homes

Property Features

Property ID: WKN30038
Land: 782m2
Listed By:Northside Realty Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
Dianne Collier-Brake, Licensee Salesperson at Ray White Paraparaumu