“At some point if you’re very lucky your skills and talents come together in the right place at the right ti me” – Wayne
Being the CEO and leader of the team at Ray White Mission Bay, St Heliers, Kohimarama & Greenlane is for Wayne the right place and the right ti me.
His base skills – management, discipline, providing training, business acumen, sales, negoti ati on, aucti oneering, academic knowledge and practi cal applicati on are only the platf orm for the service he provides today to his team and their clients.
Wayne clearly sees his role as a servient leader. Bundling his skills together, Wayne’s greatest growth has been in the last few years as a leader who serves and grows his team members. Stepping up from management to leadership has been his greatest business achievement to date.
Wayne commits to a number of overseas training sessions each year all designed to improve his own leadership skills and hence improve his value to his team. In the last five years Ray White Mission Bay has doubled in size. Current projections and tracking have it on target to double again in the next two years. With clear strategies for the growth and development of each and every salesperson, the business is clearly experiencing exponential growth.
Along with growing the business, Wayne has been refining his natural talent as an auctiioneer. In 2014 he was recognised as Ray White New Zealand’s Auctioneer of the year. After 10 years the title was handed to a new auctioneer, with Wayne deciding not to compete for it again. As an auctioneer Wayne will deliver every last dollar to maximise the value of each client's property. Wayne calls approximately 400 auctions each year, negotiating and closing around $10,000,000 in sales every week. With a great team at work and a full family (Six girls) Wayne is more energised and enthusiastic about real estate and the potential in the people he works and lives with than ever. - Successful business owner, servient leader, Ray White Auctioneer of the Year, Dad and Poppa to six girls, auction process, negotiation trainer, leader, passionate.
● Associate of the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (AREINZ)
● Ray White Auctioneer of the Year (since 2014)
● Sales Manager of the Year – Awarded by the Sales and Marketi ng Institute of New Zealand (2007)
● Post Graduate Diploma in Operations Management - Auckland University
● Post Graduate Diploma in Business - Waikato University
● Post Graduate Diploma in Real Estate - Massey University
- 2014 Winner - Auctioneer of the Year Ray White New Zealand
- 2007 – Sales Manager of the Year – Sales and Marketing Institute of New Zealand
- 2023/2024 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama | Mission Bay | St Heliers | Stonefields | Greenlane
- 2022/2023 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama | Mission Bay | St Heliers | Stonefields | Greenlane
- 2021/2022 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama | Mission Bay | St Heliers | Stonefields | Greenlane
- 2020/2021 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama
- 2019/2020 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama
- 2018/2019 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Mission Bay
- 2014 - Auctioneer of the Year NZ
Thinking of selling? Want to know how much your home is worth?
- 2024/2025 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama | Mission Bay | St Heliers | Stonefields
- 2024/2025 - Premier Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama | Mission Bay | St Heliers | Stonefields
- 2023/2024 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama | Mission Bay | St Heliers | Stonefields
- 2023/2024 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama | Mission Bay | St Heliers | Stonefields
- 2023/2024 - Premier Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama | Mission Bay | St Heliers | Stonefields
- 2022/2023 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama | Mission Bay | St Heliers | Stonefields
- 2022/2023 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama | Mission Bay | St Heliers | Stonefields
- 2022/2023 - Premier Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama | Mission Bay | St Heliers | Stonefields
- 2021/2022 - Premier Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama
- 2021/2022 - Premier Business Leader of Ray White Mission Bay
- 2021/2022 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama | Mission Bay | St Heliers | Stonefields
- 2021/2022 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama
- 2021/2022 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White Mission Bay
- 2021/2022 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White St Heliers
- 2021/2022 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White Stonefields
- 2020/2021 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama
- 2020/2021 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White St Heliers
- 2020/2021 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Stonefields
- 2020/2021 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama
- 2020/2021 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White St Heliers
- 2020/2021 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White Stonefields
- 2020/2021 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Mission Bay
- 2020/2021 - Premier Business Leader of Ray White Mission Bay
- 2020/2021 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White Mission Bay
- 2019/2020 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama
- 2019/2020 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Mission Bay
- 2019/2020 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White St Heliers
- 2019/2020 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Stonefields
- 2019/2020 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White Kohimarama
- 2019/2020 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White Mission Bay
- 2019/2020 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White St Heliers
- 2019/2020 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White Stonefields
- 2019/2020 - Premier Business Leader of Ray White St Heliers
- 2019/2020 - Premier Business Leader of Ray White Mission Bay
- 2018/2019 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White Mission Bay
- 2018/2019 - Premier Business Leader of Ray White St Heliers
- 2018/2019 - Chairman's Elite Business Leader of Ray White Mission Bay
- 2014 - Auctioneer of the Year NZ
- Show all awards