31 Greenfield Drive
Western Heights, Hamilton City
Western Heights, Hamilton City
We have found it!! This home is 330sqm. Featuring three bedrooms, office, two bathrooms, including ensuite, three toilets. A large family room located on the top floor. In the middle is the hub of the home with separate dining area, large open plan kitchen and living.
Need Lots Of Space?
This home offers so much - gas ducted central heating, alarmed, moisture master etc. For the guys that need space there is triple garaging. The Vendors have purchased unconditionally - Going country. MUST SELL!!
Call the exclusive listing agent now for viewing times, Roslyn Coombes 021 894 121 anytime.
Auction will be held on Friday 9th September 2011 at 12.30 pm in the auction rooms at 91 Victoria Street, Hamilton.
Need Lots Of Space?
This home offers so much - gas ducted central heating, alarmed, moisture master etc. For the guys that need space there is triple garaging. The Vendors have purchased unconditionally - Going country. MUST SELL!!
Call the exclusive listing agent now for viewing times, Roslyn Coombes 021 894 121 anytime.
Auction will be held on Friday 9th September 2011 at 12.30 pm in the auction rooms at 91 Victoria Street, Hamilton.
Open Homes
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Roslyn Coombes AREINZ
Licensee Salesperson / Auctioneer
Ray White Hamilton City