‘Show us Your Shelfie’ says Ray White Millwater



Show us your shelfie

Ray White Millwater recently ran a ‘Show us Your Shelfie’ competition with the inspiration coming from Samantha Hurring, Customers Service Manager, when she read two articles on how shelfies were the new selfies. Samantha saw how it was related to the home, shelves are everywhere displaying or storing, books, food, ornaments etc. The synergies merged together when she saw the display shelves at the local The Coffee Club next to the office which enticed the public with their sumptuous food. It was at this moment, the idea materialized and Samantha tied Ray White Millwater with The Coffee Club to run a shelfie competition.

The Coffee Club generously donated three $20 vouchers for the best shelfie.  

The competition was run via the Wishpond platform, and promoted through social media. Ray White Millwater received a lot of interaction and multiple entries, including an extravagant bookcase filled with books, CDs, and DVDs, shelves filled with ornaments and candles as well as someone’s spirit shelfie – which was quite impressive.

Samantha said, ‘Although this was a small competition, I feel we did really well promoting Ray White Millwater and The Coffee Club – we’ll definitely run another competition, but maybe with a slightly bigger incentive!’

Ray White Millwater is located at Unit 3, 16 Wainui Road, Silverdale, call in or visit their local website rwmillwater.co.nz.