Ronald McDonald House Auckland Open New Wing at Grafton Mews



RMH Grafton Mews

The builders have left, the fixtures and fittings are all in place and Ronald McDonald House Charities have officially opened a fully operational House – Grafton Mews. This Capital Campaign has always been more than just building a House. The outcome of this project is not the bricks and mortar, it is the hundreds of Kiwi families who can now be assured that they can remain together, in the comfort of this home, to face their medical journey. Grafton Mews will deliver the mission to keep families close when they need each other most.

The first families have checked-in to Grafton Mews, 12 new bedrooms and apartments! This house can now accommodate 32 families each night, taking our Auckland House’s capacity to 94 family bedrooms.

When Ronald McDonald House (RMH) embarked on this campaign, there was a simple goal: to ensure that they can continue to provide accommodation and support to every family who is referred to Auckland.

There is strength in numbers and this campaign has been a testament to that. Throughout, RMH have been amazed, encouraged and at times overwhelmed by the community spirit that has got behind the charity to make their vision for RMH Grafton Mews a reality. RMH knew from the outset they could not do this alone, they are so thrilled that New Zealanders, from all walks of life, shared their passion and got behind the campaign. Every dollar received, every donated hour and every in-kind gift – no matter how big or small – has created a lasting legacy for future generations of families.

Ronald McDonald House support:

Children no matter what the diagnosis: RMH Grafton Mews will support children with any type of medical need that requires care at the National Children’s Hospital. From Oncology to Cardiology, as well as disability and undiagnosed/rare conditions.

Children of all ages: From newborn through to 18 years of age, RMH Grafton Mews will welcome them and their families.

The entire family: Not just Mum and Dad; RMH Grafton Mews can accommodate the entire family – grandparents, siblings, caregivers – whoever is needed to support the child.

Families from all walks of life: Regardless of a family’s financial standing, religion, culture etc. We value diversity, and RMH Grafton Mews will become a home to a diverse group of people.

Families from all over New Zealand and the Pacific: RMH Grafton Mews will accommodate families from all over New Zealand as well from the Pacific Islands.

RMH Grafton Mews’ 12 self-contained family apartments play a core role in children’s road to recovery. The apartments are equipped to cater for families whose children have been discharged from hospital but still need to remain in close proximity whilst their child continues to recuperate. These will be utilised by our long stay families including those whose children are recovering from transplants. The self-contained nature of the apartments with the addition of a lounge and kitchen are designed to suit these children whose immune systems have been compromised and therefore need to recover in isolation. Recent research has shown that having parents close and more continually present throughout a child’s medical journey has positive benefits for children, including reduced stress, fear and anxiety and improved sleep. Having the opportunity to recover in one of our apartments – a homelike environment alongside their family, compared to an isolation ward, is recognised as positive for the patient’s recovery and wellbeing.

Ray White New Zealand has been proud to support Ronald McDonald House for over nine years and will continue to do so to see more of such initiatives realised in the future.

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