Ray White Wanganui Take the Memory Walk




Last month, the Ray White Wanganui team took part in the annual Memory Walk and charity event organised by Alzheimers New Zealand.  

The Memory Walk is a fantastic initiative organised annually by Alzheimers New Zealand throughout the country. The Memory Walks help Alzheimers New Zealand raise awareness of dementia in local communities and nationwide. This year the organisation held 21 walks and Ray White Wanganui proudly supported their walk in Wanganui.  The event was held on Sunday, 17th September and was a success, despite rainy weather.

Russell Duggan, Ray White Wanganui’s Commercial Agent, and Les Wilson,  Licensee Salesperson, were on the BBQ. Deborah Hipango, who also is a Licensee Salesperson at Ray White Wanganui, donated to the cause. Jennifer Crawford along with Ebony Kerr took part in the walk, with around 150 other community members who braved the rain. Jennifer said,  she took part in the walk as it supports a great cause – dementia being a terrible experience for people who go through it and especially for their families.  Jennifer adds that this was her first Memory Walk but she is planning to participate in future ones as well.

The walks help raise awareness of dementia in our communities. The participants take the walk to raise awareness, remember and support people with dementia as well as collect donations to the organisation.

Ray White Wanganui are located at 254 Victoria Ave, Wanganui. Visite their website rwwanganui.co.nz

Check out the story on Ray White Wanganui’s Facebook page here.