Ray White Lighthouse collect for SPCA Annual Appeal



RW Lighthouse SPCA

Members of the Ray White Lighthouse Team in Beachlands dressed up in their animal Onesies on Friday and headed off to the local primary school to collect for the SPCA.

The animals, Brianne Bignell (Unicorn) Lindi Therond (Tiger) Amelia Molloy (Cat) and Shelley Parker (Giraffe) made quite a scene at the morning drop off and afternoon pick up.

Kids of all ages and their parents were given the heads up from Beachlands School through their weekly newsletter, with an additional alert the day before, to bring some spare change for the cause, which coincided with the SPCA’s Annual Appeal. The initial drive for the weekend long collection proved extremely successful, with cash and cuddles aplenty!

The following two days of open homes saw a total of 14 properties benefiting from the drive. The promotion was advertised extensively on the company and members facebook pages as well as in local print media. The double edge to the promotion was to attempt to increase numbers to the open homes as well, of course, to raise as much as possible for a very worthwhile cause.

“We had a blast, the kids really responded well on Friday, showing genuine care and concern for animals in need – they also liked the opportunity for a cuddle from their favourite animal”, said business owner Brianne Bignell.  “But I have to say I think the Unicorn won that race!”, she added.

The weekend open homes also benefited with a 15% increase in numbers attending the properties in the Beachlands/Maraetai area.  

“In total we received $427 in donations for the SPCA and eight fresh appraisal opportunities”. Brianne  concluded that this was a great way to maximize positive exposure for the company and utilize the ability to leverage this against awareness for a cause in need.

Ray White Lighthouse is located at 81 Second View Avenue, Beachlands. Contact them on 09 536 7011 or visit their website at rwlighthouse.co.nz.