Ray White Full Circle ninth year supporting Neighbourhood Fair



Ray White Full Circle

Ray White Full Circle has been the major sponsor for the Northwood Residents Association, Neighbourhood Week Community Fair for the last nine years. The Neighbourhood Fair has grown and now encompasses the local Belfast School, helping to raise money for the pupils and bring the community together for a family fun day out. This year the school Kapa Haka, modern dance teams and school choir performed in front of the community.

Ray White Full Circle sponsor the sound system and entertainment with a live band for the day while the Ray White Full Circle tent runs free competitions, this year the competitions included, ‘Guess the lollies in the jar’ and ‘Guess the balloons in the car’. The main competition was a bit different this year, with a photo booth. Those that entered this competition were then directed to Full Circles Facebook page and the highest number of ‘Likes’ would be the winner. The competition runs until the 4th December, the participation has been fantastic! Prizes include an Endeavour Sound Pack – MP3 player, a wireless portable speaker and headphones – which proved to be a crowd drawer on the day. Salespeople and office staff combined ran a multitude of running races for the children throughout the day.

Ray White New Zealand South Island Group Facilitator, Dave Price added, “community is etched into the psyche of the Full Circle team and this is just another example of their commitment to those for whom they serve. It was a wonderful day for participants with the weather playing its part in attracting a large crowd to this now familiar event on the Northwood calendar”.

Ray White Full Circle is located at Northwood Supa Centa, Unit E5, 1 Radcliffe Road, Northwood. Contact them on 03 323 4350 or visit their website at rwfullcircle.co.nz.