Harry’s now considerable real estate success is underpinned by his distinctive style of working, which is consistently described by clients as genuine and unassuming, yet very talented and determined.
His professionalism and integrity, combined with the genuine care involved with every sale, has seen him party to an impressive number of property sales. Whether selling properties in the multi-million-dollar band, some of which have set street or suburb records or putting his all into marketing entry-level homes, he sees every sale as a top priority.
Clients, including those who have dealt with many agents over decades of property ownership, have described him as “a breath of fresh air”, sincere and authentic, positive and proactive.
Harry has the invaluable back-up of the Ray White Remuera team (Ray White’s Top Office Nationally for the last ten years), known for their market-leading skills, systems and processes.
His experience had made him equally strategic and creative, equipping him to skilfully manage all aspects of a property campaign, minimising your stress while achieving a seamless, gratifying result.
Thinking of selling? Want to know how much your home is worth?