Elite agent Roz Wallace ‘loves what she does. It is clear she loves helping people and she is good at it.’



Roz Wallace from Ray White Levin celebrated her 10th annual SOLD client customer lunch at Roz and partner Allan’s home in Levin recently. The weather held up and everyone enjoyed a potluck lunch, some entertainment and a drink or two in the sun.

Approximately 80 people attended and all clients were acknowledged, including some clients who had been to all 10 Thank you sold gatherings. Upon arrival, everyone was given a Ray White bag, a pad, name tag and a numbered ticket. Over $1,000 in ‘spot’ prizes were given where numbers were drawn and each winner selected a ‘mystery’ prize. There were a lot of smiles all around. The biggest smile probably went to the winner of the major prize winner, Brenda who won a weekend in Wellington.

Roz also acknowledged clients with multiple transactions, there were many people with three, four, five, six all the way up to an amazing ten real estate transactions with Roz in Real Estate.

Roz has created her own team in the last two years and special mention was made of Team Roz who include her partner Allan and personal assistant T.K on the day. Roz credits Alan and T.K as invaluable members of the team. Team Roz sold an amazing 83 properties in 2016 and have sold 71 to date this year, her ‘Energy, Passion and Service’ will continue to deliver top results.

Connect with ‘Roz in Real Estate‘ on Facebook, or pop in an see her in the Ray White Levin office, located 46 Oxford Street, Levin.