Customer Experience Hits New Highs for the Ray White Group



During the past 12 months, Ray White has increased its net promoter score to 86, as independently measured by Customer Monitor from over 8,000 clients who Ray White provided services for. Since 2014 the Ray White Group has had within their Strategy the key delivery of outstanding customer experience and has measured and recognised this across individuals and offices.

At the recent annual recognition evening held at Spark Arena, members from across the country joined to celebrate the continued growth and excellence in performance across the country.

In the area of customer experience, Ray White Dunedin, Ray White Metro, Ray White Ponsonby, Ray White Remuera, and Ray White Whangarei were acknowledged as the leading customer experience offices in the Group.  

Carey Smith, Chief Executive of Ray White New Zealand, said the most important key metric the group has is customer satisfaction. The outcomes in customer satisfaction give us learned experiences through clients of how we can continue to improve our levels of customer service and this, since we have implemented customer satisfaction, has been rewarding for our group. The outcome has been outstanding for members, as well as clients.

In New Zealand Ray White has over 2,000 salespeople who provide client experiences and the top five salespeople recognised in the area of customer satisfaction were Anton Huang (Ray White Howick), Diane Quinn (Ray White Paihia), John Quiambao (Ray White Remuera), Rebecca Toone (Ray White Metro), and Roz Wallace, Ray White Levin.

During 2017 Ray White provided the opportunity for all clients and customers to provide feedback through Customer Monitor. This resulted in a return rate of 8,800 surveys in which Ray White increased its net promoter score to 86 and an overall promoter rate of 89%.