Behind Every Lease is a Story



Leasing and property management, while one of the most challenging job functions of real estate, can also be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling careers and can really make an impact on people’s lives. We spoke with some of our leading property management professionals around the network, about an interaction that had a profound impact on them.

Adrienne Douglas
Ray White New Plymouth, NZ

I belong to a BNI (Business Network International) group here in New Plymouth, and the life coach in our group came to me asking to help one of the gentlemen they were trying to assist with getting his life back on track. He was living on the streets and had nothing. I gave him a call and set up an interview with him at our offices.
He presented himself in a good manner and my heart really went out to him. He had a really tough life. He had a job offer as a labourer but they would not employ him until he had a residential address. I referred him to WINZ (Work & Income New Zealand) to see if they could assist. He came back to me saying they had declined him.

I then called WINZ and put his case forward, saying I would place him in a property if they would please assist with the bond and first week’s rent, and he would then get the job and be able to repay. They agreed!

All fell into place, and we were able to home this man, who had never rented before in a flat of his own. He has never let me down, and in my inspections the place is always immaculate. No other property manager would assist him. Giving him a chance changed his life forever.

Here is his thank you to us:

Kiaora, it is my absolute pleasure to be able to recommend Adrienne Douglas. I came to her looking for help; a chance to be able to rent a home as I was homeless in Taranaki and winter was starting to fall. Not many people would give a guy like me a chance at anything in today’s world.

I thank Adrienne as she opened her heart and gave me a chance and now I’m in an apartment renting for the first time in my life and I have a job…thank you so much Adrienne and your team from Ray White New Plymouth…may the sun be on your backs and the path ahead be clear…blessings and honour thank you so much…

Nathan Moore
Ray White Commercial Bayside, QLD

One Friday afternoon a couple of weeks ago, a bandit in a stolen car ram-raided Red Moon Jewellery at Wynnum, smashing the entire shopfront and ransacking the business. 
As property managers of the retail tenancy, the team Bayside was notified and promptly collaborated with the tenant’s insurance contractor to quickly secure the premises.

When contacted by police later that evening, we were able to immediately access the building’s security camera and provide them with footage of the attack to assist with their investigations.

Nathan Moore attended the site on Saturday morning with the landlord to assess the damage and provide comfort and assurance to the distressed tenant. Once we understood the extent of the work required, we quickly initiated the repair process, and guided the tenant through what their insurance provider would expect to satisfy the claim. 

After working effectively with the landlord, the landlord’s tradespeople and the insurer, we successfully had a new shopfront reinstalled and extensive internal repairs completed within two weeks of the incident.

We had security bollards installed to ensure that a repeat occurrence is nearly impossible. The tenant was absolutely thrilled to be open again so soon, and quickly got back to doing business.

Monique Fildes
Ray White Adelaide City, SA

 One rental that we finalised recently was for a lovely young family. They were a blended family that needed to be out of their rental as it was being sold, a family of five kids and two adults and the beloved family cat. They were finding it extremely difficult to find a rental that had enough space, was in their budget and also a landlord that would rent to tenants with an animal.
In the week leading into their last weekend at their current home we banded together and helped them secure a large family home where they had enough space for all five children to have their own rooms, and kept below their budget. 
There was such relief from the parents and they were able to start their new journey as a blended family in the most perfect suburb and home.
Tahnee Fagan
Ray White Maroochydore, QLD

 Amanda is a single mum that was on the hunt to find her new home for her and her boys. She had been looking for over a month now as her current rental was being sold and needed to secure somewhere before 15 November. She attended 6 open homes with me and was unfortunately unsuccessful for them due to the influx of applications received.
I had just found out that we had a property coming back onto the market after having maintenance completed that I knew would suit her perfectly and was in a great neighbourhood for her children.

I spoke with the owner about arranging a private inspection for Amanda while the trades were still there, I took her through after work that day and she loved it. We put in her application that night and we got her approval the next day and she was able to move in the weekend before her deadline.