Ray White New Zealand CEO Carey Smith (above) has dusted off the gavel as he successfully called the $1,430,000 auction of 177A Stable Lane in Eden Terrace last night – $590,000 over CV.
The marketing campaign was managed by Ray White Epsom Principal Heather Walton and Salesperson Ryan Teece and the property attracted seven registered buyers on the night.
“It was so much fun seeing our esteemed CEO calling an auction again, but more than that, the sale was an outstanding result for our vendors who are over the moon,” Ms Walton said.
“It was a packed auction room with six buyers actively competing. There was one short pause to get the property on the market – then it went up another $60,000, to the vendor’s delight.
“The property (pictured below) was quite unique and special, but an outstanding code compliance did put a large shadow of doubt over what could be achieved.

“To the vendor’s delight, the property achieved the appraised price as if it did have the CCC, so with a huge amount of relief it wasn’t an issue for the bidders who participated in the auction.
“The property was a 1920s concrete three-story property with a retail shop, garage and two-bedroom New York style loft apartment, sat right in the centre of the CBD.
“Being a freehold and not a stratum really appealed to potential buyers and it attracted more than 150 enquiries throughout the campaign.
“It was so much fun working with Carey, who put the icing on the cake of what was an amazing campaign for our owners.
“It’s fair to say the vendors were in shock when our CEO called their auction – they were left in no doubt they had been extremely well looked-after throughout.”