a/94 Waimumu Road
Massey, Waitakere City
Massey, Waitakere City
Single level brick and tile
This is a fantastic single level brick and tile single level two bedroom house, whcih has two single garages, another two off street parking spaces. Both bedrooms are double size with built in wardrobes, one combined bathroom and a separate toilet. The property is tucked away from the main road with privacy, and a short distance driving to NorthWest mall, motorway access and local schools. Property is only 7 years old, and complied with healthy home act.
Available now! No pets or smokers!
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Available now! No pets or smokers!
To book a viewing, please submit your details in the Viewing Tracker form. If the form is not visible on this page, please go to http://www.buywest.viewingtracker.com/ to book in there.
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Gibson Li
Senior Property Manager, BA ,Bus. Studies, Property Management & Economics
Ray White Buy West Property Management