263 Ormiston Road
Ormiston, Manukau City
Ormiston, Manukau City
Don't delay before it's too late.
3.9441 hectares freehold
Adjacent to Ormiston Senior College
Flat Bush Residential 1 Central and Arterial Precincts
Immediate proximity to commercial development and proposed Flat Bush (Ormiston) Town Centre
We consider this land to be strategic because of its particular position and also because the zoning allows development options that are not available to other land surrounding the proposed town centre.
Business A Flat Bush Town Centre is proposed on the eastern side of Barry Curtis Park as the focal point for the rapidly growing Flat Bush Community, which is anticipated to reach a population of 40,000 by 2021.
Quote from Council Structure Plan:
Central Precinct
This Precinct has a residential emphasis and is generally located within a 5 minute walk of the Flat Bush Town Centre. The Central Precinct is an area where higher residential densities are to be promoted. The emphasis on higher residential densities will ensure that there is a substantial number of people living in close proximity of the Town Centre which will not only enhance the long term viability of the Town Centre but will also enable walking as a viable alternative to car based transport for local trips including accessing passenger transport facilities. The development of an attractive, safe, well connected street network in both the town centre and the surrounding residential precincts is necessary in order to promote long term viability of the Town Centre and enhance the liveability of the surrounding residential neighbourhoods.
This precinct is intended to cater for a range of housing types including apartments through to large family sized terrace houses or stand alone houses. The maximum height in this zone is intended to allow up to three storeys as of right but with a strong emphasis on retaining a residential character to the neighbourhood including promoting safe streets through high levels of public surveillance. Overall it is anticipated that density yields in this precinct achieve at least 25 households per hectare.
Arterial Precinct
The Flat Bush Residential 1 Arterial Precinct is generally located within 30m of the main road networks and enable a range of residential activities. It is envisaged that sites fronting arterial routes will contain apartments and terrace/semi detached housing up to a maximum height of 4 storeys. In addition the Precinct enables compatible small-scale, non-residential activities (such as medical centres, childcare facilities, emergency services, professional offices), which maintain a direct pedestrian relationship with the street, to be developed. The total maximum floor space of any retail development is generally limited to 500m2 and should not be located within 400m of another retail centre. The higher intensity of activities along arterial routes will strengthen the viability of passenger transport and other alternative forms of transport, such as walking and cycling.
This property is situated 5 minutes drive from the upcoming business precinct of East Tamaki. East Tamaki is a significant business area in the southeast of Auckland, contributing 4.5 per cent to the region's total employment. It is a dynamic and highly successful production and export zone with concentrations of activity in manufacturing, wholesale, administrative and support services, and professional, scientific and technical services.
With over 27,500 employees, East Tamaki has experienced 61 per cent growth between 2000 and 2010. Growth within the precinct has been driven by factors such as Greenfield development, location, and access to strategic infrastructure such as the motorway, port and airport.
We look forward to assisting you with any further information and encourage you to fully satisfy your own due diligence and then place an offer for our serious Vendors' consideration.
3.9441 hectares freehold
Adjacent to Ormiston Senior College
Flat Bush Residential 1 Central and Arterial Precincts
Immediate proximity to commercial development and proposed Flat Bush (Ormiston) Town Centre
We consider this land to be strategic because of its particular position and also because the zoning allows development options that are not available to other land surrounding the proposed town centre.
Business A Flat Bush Town Centre is proposed on the eastern side of Barry Curtis Park as the focal point for the rapidly growing Flat Bush Community, which is anticipated to reach a population of 40,000 by 2021.
Quote from Council Structure Plan:
Central Precinct
This Precinct has a residential emphasis and is generally located within a 5 minute walk of the Flat Bush Town Centre. The Central Precinct is an area where higher residential densities are to be promoted. The emphasis on higher residential densities will ensure that there is a substantial number of people living in close proximity of the Town Centre which will not only enhance the long term viability of the Town Centre but will also enable walking as a viable alternative to car based transport for local trips including accessing passenger transport facilities. The development of an attractive, safe, well connected street network in both the town centre and the surrounding residential precincts is necessary in order to promote long term viability of the Town Centre and enhance the liveability of the surrounding residential neighbourhoods.
This precinct is intended to cater for a range of housing types including apartments through to large family sized terrace houses or stand alone houses. The maximum height in this zone is intended to allow up to three storeys as of right but with a strong emphasis on retaining a residential character to the neighbourhood including promoting safe streets through high levels of public surveillance. Overall it is anticipated that density yields in this precinct achieve at least 25 households per hectare.
Arterial Precinct
The Flat Bush Residential 1 Arterial Precinct is generally located within 30m of the main road networks and enable a range of residential activities. It is envisaged that sites fronting arterial routes will contain apartments and terrace/semi detached housing up to a maximum height of 4 storeys. In addition the Precinct enables compatible small-scale, non-residential activities (such as medical centres, childcare facilities, emergency services, professional offices), which maintain a direct pedestrian relationship with the street, to be developed. The total maximum floor space of any retail development is generally limited to 500m2 and should not be located within 400m of another retail centre. The higher intensity of activities along arterial routes will strengthen the viability of passenger transport and other alternative forms of transport, such as walking and cycling.
This property is situated 5 minutes drive from the upcoming business precinct of East Tamaki. East Tamaki is a significant business area in the southeast of Auckland, contributing 4.5 per cent to the region's total employment. It is a dynamic and highly successful production and export zone with concentrations of activity in manufacturing, wholesale, administrative and support services, and professional, scientific and technical services.
With over 27,500 employees, East Tamaki has experienced 61 per cent growth between 2000 and 2010. Growth within the precinct has been driven by factors such as Greenfield development, location, and access to strategic infrastructure such as the motorway, port and airport.
We look forward to assisting you with any further information and encourage you to fully satisfy your own due diligence and then place an offer for our serious Vendors' consideration.
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