Amy Sheppard’s WHY for the House to House Appeal



Families with a child in hospital travel on average 210km from their house to a Ronald McDonald House (RMHC® New Zealand) for care. 


In September 2023 Amy welcomed her gorgeous twins 10 weeks early, leaving her and Dallas facing a difficult journey back and forth between NICU and home which is a 45-minute drive (on a good day). 


She was fortunate enough to be given a room at the Ronald McDonald House in Christchurch, making a difficult journey a little easier. 


After 114 days and an average of 228kms walked between the House and NICU, the twins are finally home and “it’s time to start giving back!” Amy said.  

This March Amy and her mum (and business partner) Marijke are taking part in the House to House challenge and have set a goal of riding/running a combined total of 168kms. 

“We aim to raise the equivalent of 3 nights accommodation to keep families together when they need it most. We are asking for sponsors to help make this happen. Any donation is highly appreciated!” Amy said.

“We look forward to sharing updates as we go, and of course, the twins will be in tow!”.

Amy and Marijke are part of the Ray White Canterbury team alongside their Ray White Rangiora colleagues who are all working hard towards their $20,000 goal. 

Ray White New Zealand is behind you Amy and we are proud of your resilience in your tough journey with the twins. Well done in stepping it out this March for such an amazing cause that is dear to your heart. 

If you would like to donate to Amy, follow the link below!