Glenda Turner



It is with sadness that we advise Glenda Turner, a Foundation Member of the Ray White Group at the Mangonui office in the Far North passed away suddenly on Wednesday, 6 February 2019.

Glenda joined Mark Saxton Real Estate in 1986 and became Branch Manager of the Mangonui office when it changed to Ray White in 1993. Glenda remained Branch Manager through the transition to Far North Circle Real Estate Limited and owner Gary Steed.

Over many years, Glenda received recognition including status at the Elite, Premier and Executive levels. During her tenure with the company she was also acknowledged as the Northland Salesperson of the Year and was consistently ranked in the Top 50 Supreme Sales Members.

Glenda is survived by her partner, Dennis, three daughters and grandchildren. Glenda’s farewell is a private service being held on Tuesday, 12 Febrary at Coopers Beach.