Ray White get’s behind The Great Auckland Duck Race



Ray White New Zealand is proud to sponsor Life Education Trust’s Great Auckland Duck Race at the new Vector Wero Whitewater Park in Manakau to raise funds for the Counties Manukau kids.

This year the event is proudly sponsored by Ray White New Zealand, together with Ray White Remuera, Manurewa, Takanini and Drury offices.

Being a competitive bunch, they wanted other local offices to have the chance to face off against each other.

Some 65 of local Auckland Ray White offices have inspected, measured up and chosen a duck to decorate and represent them in this much-anticipated race.

This race will go off like a firequaker (like fireworks…for ducks) with each office determined to win.

There will be no ‘floating around’ here friends, these duckies are fully fledged and ‘de-duck-ated’ to winning.

Ray White New Zealand chief executive Carey Smith said he was delighted to see so many members of the network getting involved in such a worthy community initiative.

“Ray White is a family business built on enduring family and community values and the Auckland Duck Race is such a great initiative.”

Ray White Manurewa | Takanini | Drury principal and owner Sue Douglas has been a long-term supporter of the Life Education Trust.

“The trust provides such a valuable service to our Kiwi kids by helping them reach their full potential, inspiring children to value themselves, other people and their environment,” Ms Douglas said.

“Most of all to be curious, engaged and confident. Rotary Club are an important strand in the fabric of our community and we love to support their great work. This event is an exciting community initiative to provide friends, families and businesses alike to take part and attend a fun-packed event that will benefit local children.”

“Ray White Remuera is truly privileged to support The Great Auckland Duck Race, as it enters its sophomore year, with our team members both young and old being touched by the work Life Education has accomplished within our communities,” said the team at Ray White Remuera.

Life Education’s biggest challenge is to share their story to the wider community and potential supporters and Ray White is committed to bringing awareness and further support.

When: Sunday 12 November, 9am to 12pm
Where: Vector Wero Whitewater Park, 770 Great South Rd, Wiri, Auckland
More details: thegreataucklandduckrace.com